Incorrect assumption about sun tea clarified

Money Bizwiz Team
2 Min Read

The Power of Curiosity: Discovering the Truth Behind Cold Water Tea

Have you ever heard the story of making tea by placing tea bags in a mason jar filled with cold water and leaving it out in the sun? The idea is that after a few hours, you’ll have a refreshing drink waiting for you. Sounds magical, right? Well, it turns out that this story might not be entirely accurate.

While it’s true that the sun warms up the water a bit, it doesn’t actually brew the tea as the tale suggests. In reality, you can make cold water tea safely in the fridge, where the water stays cold (though it does take a bit longer).

But the real lesson here goes beyond tea or beverages.

It’s a reminder that sometimes we get caught up in a good story and forget to question what’s really happening. In this case, I was so captivated by the idea of sun-brewed tea that I never bothered to investigate further. I chose to believe the charming tale instead of seeking the truth.

Curiosity, or the lack thereof, is a choice we make every day. Will we settle for a good story, or will we take the time to dig deeper and discover the reality behind it?

Next time you hear a captivating story, remember to embrace your curiosity and explore the facts for yourself. Who knows what you might uncover when you choose to seek the truth.

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