Reviewing 5 Trends in the New World Economy

Money Bizwiz Team
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Book Review: The New World Economy in 5 Trends: Investing in Times of Superinflation, Hyperinnovation, and Climate Transition


If you are a reader looking for a unique perspective and analysis of the economics of megatrends, then look no further than The New World Economy in 5 Trends by Koen De Leus and Philippe Gijsels. This book, published in 2024 by Lannoo Press, offers a comprehensive look at the future of economies and investments in the face of superinflation, hyperinnovation, and climate transition.


Coauthored by Koen De Leus, the chief economist at BNP Paribas Fortis in Belgium, and Philippe Gijsels, the institution’s chief strategy officer, this book presents a unique interaction between two contrasting styles. De Leus provides data-driven economic analysis, while Gijsels focuses on the investment implications of these economic changes, often taking unexpected and humorous directions.

At the core of the book are five specific trends that the authors believe will shape the future of economies and investments. These trends include innovation and productivity, climate, multiglobalization, debt, and aging. Each trend is thoroughly analyzed to provide insights into potential investment opportunities.

Interaction Between Economists and Strategists

The book’s analysis of aging serves as a prime example of how the economist and strategist interact. De Leus provides a detailed look at global demographic trends, while Gijsels injects humor by “interviewing” historical economists and coining new terms. Despite these eccentric elements, the book offers solid analysis of potential investment sectors.

Investment Implications

While the authors stress that the book is not meant to be taken as investment advice, they offer general suggestions on where to invest based on the trends discussed. From AI to energy transitions, the book provides a starting point for further investment analysis.

Future Insights

As the book looks ahead to the future, it includes simulated news reports from the 2040s and 2050s, offering both negative and positive predictions. These reports provide a glimpse into the potential outcomes of the trends analyzed in the book, keeping readers engaged and curious about what lies ahead.


Despite some errors and typos, The New World Economy in 5 Trends offers readers a unique perspective on the future of economies and investments. It serves as a starting point for analysis and discussion, helping readers navigate the ever-changing landscape of global economics. So, if you’re looking for a thought-provoking read that challenges traditional economic analysis, this book is a must-read.

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