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Money Bizwiz Team
2 Min Read

The Beauty of Taste and the Power of Facts

In today’s world, discussions about taste are more prevalent than ever. Thanks to the long tail effect, we can easily find what we like and engage in conversations about our preferences. However, as the saying goes, there’s no accounting for taste, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.

But why is taste so important?

Whether it’s debating over trivial matters like how to hang toilet paper or more serious topics like the Beatles versus the Stones, our discussions about taste help satisfy our need to belong, have a voice, and form connections with others. Just like sports fans enjoy arguing over game outcomes, discussing taste gives us a sense of camaraderie and identity.

Feel like listening to Jamaican polka music or making up your own lyrics? Go ahead, because taste is a personal and subjective matter. The beauty of taste lies in its ability to bring people together, form communities, and create niche markets.

However, there comes a point where the line must be drawn. While it’s perfectly acceptable to debate over matters of taste, some truths, such as the Earth being round or basic arithmetic principles, are undisputable. Facts are facts, and they are not subject to personal opinions or preferences.

Scientific disciplines like quantum mechanics, public health, math, and engineering operate on the basis of facts and evidence, not taste. By showing your work, making testable predictions, and creating value through your interventions, you can prove the usefulness of your work.

While celebrating the diversification of taste is important, we must not forget the importance of facts. Embracing the idea that there are no objective truths is not only unhelpful but also detrimental to progress. Facts serve as the foundation for knowledge and innovation, and we must always strive to seek truth and understanding in our pursuits.

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